Help to Self Help College offers multiple classes and durations to accommodate any and all students. We have short courses that last three to six months of which students concentrate primarily on the specific trade subject and long courses which in addition to the specific subject students will also study computer, English and French languages.

About Help to Self Help VTC

Help to Self Help College is devoted to assist the community with tools to make their lives better, healthier and more economically secure by educating and empowering the students of the community. We believe they will ultimately be able to nurture and promote these principles themselves.

Help to Self Help College offers multiple classes and durations to accommodate any and all students. We have short courses that last three to six months of which students concentrate primarily on the specific trade subject.

HSH VTC offers long courses which in addition to the specific subject students will also study computer, English and French languages.

Help to Self Help College promotes gender equity, inclusive education and skills development of various groups, that is youth, women and people with disabilities

All courses have been accredited by VETA – Vocational Education & Training Authority running the courses at certificate level, from LEVEL I to III.

Help to Self Help being accredited to offer the training has the following futures;

  • The Centre has a well prepared annual academic calendar timetable
  • The Centre uses approved curricula and syllabus
  • The Centre has presence and usage of recommended teaching tools
  • The Centre has established Centre Advisory Committee (CAC) to ensure and monitor excellence in academic performance
  • The Centre has well up kept training environment and better utility services

The HSH VTC story through data

Graduates are Competent at work
0 %
Study rooms and labs
0 +
Courses Offered
0 +

Various courses offered

We have deliberately designed programs that will accommodate the customized needs of the community.

This course is aimed at imparting skills and knowledge to all people who aspire to employ themself or get employed in electrical industry
This course is aimed at imparting skills and knowledge to all people people who aspire to work in the fashion and creativity industry
This course aims at imparting the required skills, knowledge and attitudes to people who aspire to work in the hospitality industry
Message from College Principle

With great honor, I welcome you to Help to Self Help College (HSH). I believe that reading our website will give you an insight into our College. We encourage you to visit the college for yourself. Your feedback and support are essential to our continued improvement.

Thank You.